蒋辉,阳小华,刘志明,闫仕宇,马家宇,李晓昀,李萌,周座.基于一种文档表示模型的站内搜索引擎设计与实现[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2013,27(4):77~81.[JIANG Hui,YANG Xiao-hua,LIU Zhi-ming,YAN Shi-yu,MA Jia-yu,LI Xiao-yun,LI Meng,ZHOU Zuo.Website Search Engine Design and Implementation Based on a Document Representation Model[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2013,27(4):77~81.]
Website Search Engine Design and Implementation Based on a Document Representation Model
中文关键词:  lucene  站内搜索引擎  搜索引擎  信息检索
英文关键词:lucene  website search engine  search engine  information retrieval
蒋辉,阳小华,刘志明,闫仕宇,马家宇,李晓昀,李萌,周座 南华大学 计算机科学与技术学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 2922
全文下载次数: 3028
      According to the comprehensive information theory,epistemology information is the trinity of syntactic information,semantic information and pragmatic information.Making better use of pragmatic information in information retrieval can promote the quality of information retrieval.A document representation model based on query and content can make better use of pragmatic information,and it is good to promote the precision of the website search engine.Lucene is a open source full text search engine architecture which is developed using java language.We use lucene to design and implement a website engine based on document representation model using query and content.The experiment results show that this model can effectively improve precision rate in information retrieval.
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