曹长永,王礼广,邓阳君.二维弹性锥形血管模型的有限元分析及数值模拟[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2013,27(4):62~67.[CAO Chang-yong,WANG Li-guang,DENG Yang-jun.Finite Element Analysis and Numerical Simulation of an Elastic Tapered Vessel Model in Two Dimensions[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2013,27(4):62~67.]
Finite Element Analysis and Numerical Simulation of an Elastic Tapered Vessel Model in Two Dimensions
中文关键词:  弹性  锥度角  血液流动  ALE方法
英文关键词:elastic vessel  tapered angle  blood flow  ALE method
曹长永,王礼广*,邓阳君 南华大学 数理学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1954
全文下载次数: 2715
      The arbitrary Lagrange-Euler method is used to analyse the velocity field and the pressure filed of an elastic tapered vessel in two dimensions.Under the assumption of small taper angle the effects of blood flow in elastic vessels on the velocity and pressure distribution are obtained,and then these are compared between no taper angel of blood vessels and rigid blood vessels.The simulation results show that the velocity distribution and pressure distribution of blood flow have nothing to do with the elastic properties of blood vessels,but have relationships with the size of tapered angle.When tapered angle becomes larger,the pressure change of the amplitude becomes greater and the radial velocity change of the amplitude becomes more and more significant,but does not affect the position of the maximum radial velocity distribution.
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