刘玄钊,张志军,李亚俊,潘文鑫.某尾矿坝尾矿砂中毛细系数C的确定方法研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2013,27(2):23~26.[LIU Xuan-zhao,ZHANG Zhi-jun*,LI Ya-jun,PAN Wen-xin.Study on a Method of Determining the Coefficient C of Capillary in Tailings Sand of a Certain Tailings Dam[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2013,27(2):23~26.]
Study on a Method of Determining the Coefficient C of Capillary in Tailings Sand of a Certain Tailings Dam
中文关键词:  尾矿坝  毛细水上升高度  浸润线
英文关键词:tailings dam  rising height of capillary water  phreatic level
刘玄钊,张志军*,李亚俊,潘文鑫 南华大学 核资源工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 680
全文下载次数: 1386
      通过室内试验,开展了某矿山尾矿坝中毛细水上升高度计算方法的研究工作.研究结果表明,该尾矿坝尾矿砂中毛细水最大上升高度可用海森公式进行估算,其中系数C的取值问题尤为重要.平行试验结果表明,该尾矿坝坝体的C值可取为0.66 cm2.进一步地,该尾矿坝坝体尾矿砂中毛细水上升高度曲线结果显示,初期的毛细水上升高度约占总高度的50%以上,这表明,当尾矿坝内浸润线上升时,毛细水会随之迅速升高,将对尾矿砂的物理力学性质有较大影响,进而影响尾矿坝的稳定性,因此后续研究工作应重点分析毛细水的上升速率,为尾矿坝的稳定性分析工作提供参考和指导。
      Laboratory experiments were conducted for studying calculation method of rising height of capillary water in tailings dam of a certain mine.The results show that the rising height of capillary water in tailings sand of this tailings dam can be estimated by Hazen's formula in which coefficient C is fairly important.Parallel experiments results manifest that coefficient C of this tailings dam is 0.66 cm2.Further,curves of rising height of capillary water in tailings sand of this tailings dam display that the rising height of the capillary water in the first days accounts for above 50 percentage of the finally rising height.This indicates that capillary water rapidly rises when phreatic level of tailing dam rises,which would have impact on the physical and mechanical properties of tailings sand and influence the stability of the tailings dam.The next research should stress analysis on rising velocity of capillary water which would provide reference and guidance to evaluate stability of tailings dam.
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