田超,曾凡勇,谢水波*,廖建军,胡凯光.煤矿矿区生态恢复研究实践——以耒阳石界煤矿为例[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2012,26(4):25~30.[TIAN Chao1,ZENG Fan-yong2,XIE Shui-bo1*,LIAO Jian-jun3,HU Kai-guang4.Coal Mine Areas and Ecological Restoration Practice——with Shijie Maple Coal as an Example[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2012,26(4):25~30.]
Coal Mine Areas and Ecological Restoration Practice——with Shijie Maple Coal as an Example
中文关键词:  煤矿区  生态恢复  城市污泥  植物样方
英文关键词:coal mining area  ecological restoration  municipal sewage sludge  plant quadrat
田超1,曾凡勇2,谢水波1*,廖建军3,胡凯光4 1.南华大学 城市建设学院,湖南 衡阳 421001
2.湖南省国际工程咨询中心,湖南 长沙 410000
3.南华大学 设计与艺术学院,湖南 衡阳 421001
4.南华大学 核资源工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
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      为了对湖南耒阳石界煤矿矿区进行生态恢复,首先对矿区约1.05 km2开采区域进行了实地调查分析,并运用矿山模糊综合评价方法对矿山地质环境影响进行评估.调查结果表明,矿区土壤pH值约为6.0且约 0.35 km2矿区土壤结构严重破坏.采用城市污泥作为矿区土壤改良剂和肥料,并利用当地优势植物进行矿区生态恢复.实践表明,城市污泥不仅可以改良矿区的土壤特性,还可以增强矿区土壤的保水性能并能促进植物生长.综合城市污泥对土壤环境及植物生长状况的改良情况,结果表明在矿区土壤进行污泥堆肥的基础上进行混合植株种植较单植有更显著的土壤改良效果.
      In order to carry on the ecology restoration to the Hunan Leiyang Shi jie coal mine mining area,a field investigation and analysis was carried out on approximately 1.05 km2 mining region,and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was utilized to assess the impact on geological environment in mines.The survey results demonstrated approximately 0.35 km2 mine soil structure was severely damaged at pH of 6.0.Municipal sewage sludge as a soil amendment and fertilizer and local advantages of plants were used for mining area ecological restoration.The results showed that municipal sewage sludge could improve mine soil characteristics and strengthen mine soil water retention performance as well as accelerate plant growth.Considering municipal sludge on soil environment and plant growth condition improvement situation,in the mining area the sludge compost soil based on mixed plant planting is better than single plant planting.
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