陈江涛,,高振宁,魏华,段仲沅.既有暗挖区间扩挖优化技术分析[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2012,26(3):91~98.[CHEN Jiang-tao1,3,GAO Zhen-ning1,WEI Hua2,DUAN Zhong-yuan3.Analysis on Excavation Optimization Construction Technology for Existing Underground Cut Running Tunnel[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2012,26(3):91~98.]
Analysis on Excavation Optimization Construction Technology for Existing Underground Cut Running Tunnel
中文关键词:  既有隧道  扩挖  人防
英文关键词:existing running tunnel  excavation construction  civil air defence
陈江涛13,高振宁1,魏华2,段仲沅3 1.北京市轨道交通建设管理有限公司,北京 1000372.保定学院 资源环境系,河北 保定 0710003.南华大学 城市建设学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
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全文下载次数: 1308
      Two kinds of mining construction methods for the civil air defence section by excavating an existing underground cut running tunnel of the interval tunnel from Taiyanggong station to Sanyuan Bridge Station of Beijing Metro Line 10 were described.By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the original excavation constructon design with 9 pilot tunnels,the optimization construction method with cross brace and 4 pilot tunnels was established.The optimization method changes the cross brace of the existing underground cut running tunnel to the middle-wall and central diaphragm of the civil air defence,and greatly reduces the construction period and the overall project cost,and changes the rectangular form to a horseshoe-shaped form with the more reasonable force structure.
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