张志恒,杨晓峰.湘江某引航道系杆拱桥静载试验研究和数值模拟[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2012,26(2):91~96.[ZHANG Zhi-heng,YANG Xiao-feng.Numerical Simulation and Static Load Test on Tied Arch Bridge of Approach Channel[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2012,26(2):91~96.]
Numerical Simulation and Static Load Test on Tied Arch Bridge of Approach Channel
中文关键词:  吊杆  变形  静载  数值模拟
英文关键词:suspender  deformation  static load test  simulation
张志恒,杨晓峰 南华大学 城市建设学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 857
全文下载次数: 1071
      湘江某引航道系杆拱桥运营时间已达10年以上,拱肋、吊杆及钢绞线等受到不同程度的损伤,为了验证该桥是否满足设计和使用要求,对该桥现场进行了汽车静载试验,并建立了全桥的有限元分析模型,进行了对比分析,试验结果表明:拱肋、桥面及吊杆的变形与空间有限元计算结果比较接近,大部分测点的挠度小于理论计算值,相对残余变形很小,因此可以判断结构处于弹性工作状态;大部分测点的效验系数在0.70~1.00 之间;部分效验系数偏大的测点,其挠度绝对值非常小,挠跨比远远小于规范值,因此可以判断该桥梁的整体刚度满足设计要求.
      Tied arch bridge of approach channel had been run for more than 10 years in Xiangjiang,and its arch rib,suspender,steel strand had been damaged. In order to verify the safety and service,automobile static load test was carried on and the finite element analysis model was established.It was verified that the deformation of the arch rib,suspender and the bridge deck was close to the results of the finite element analysis,most of the deflection was less than the calculated value and the residual deformation was small. It can be determined the structure is in the elastic state and effect coefficient of most point is in 0.70~1.0 and the absolute value of deflection is very small;It can also be determined that the stiffness of the bridge meet the design requirements.
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