杨冬生,杨仕教*,王洪武.云南某铅锌矿全尾砂膏体室内实验研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2011,25(1):23~27.[YANG Dong-sheng1,YANG Shi-jiao1*,WANG Hong-wu2.Laboratory Tests (Study) on the Cream-body Made by Unclassified Tailings Sand of Some Lead-Zine Mine in Yunnan Province[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2011,25(1):23~27.]
Laboratory Tests (Study) on the Cream-body Made by Unclassified Tailings Sand of Some Lead-Zine Mine in Yunnan Province
中文关键词:  全尾砂  膏体  自然沉降特性  流动性能  强度特性
英文关键词:unclassified tailings sand  cream-body  natural sedimentation characteristics  flowability  strength characteristics
杨冬生1,杨仕教1*,王洪武2 1.南华大学 核资源与核燃料工程学院湖南 衡阳 421001
2.湖南风格科技有限公司湖南 长沙 410000 
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      对云南某铅锌矿采用全尾砂膏体充填方案开展了室内实验研究,分析了全尾砂基本物理化学性质(粒级组成、化学成分),并进行了全尾砂自然沉降试验、坍落度试验、全尾砂试块单轴强度试验,获得了全尾砂及全尾砂胶结料的自然沉降特性、流动性能、析水性能及强度特性.试验结果显示:全尾砂自然沉降2~3 h后,重量浓度达到72%~76%,需要添加絮凝剂加快沉降;全尾砂胶结料的重量浓度为78%~79%时,坍落度为24~17 cm,基本无析水(1%~0.6%),充填料呈膏体状态,适合长距离输送;全尾砂膏体配合比在1∶4~1∶12时,28 d单轴抗压强度达到1~4 MPa.室内实验初步表明该矿山可以采用全尾砂膏体充填方案.
      The experimental researches on the scheme of unclassified tailings cream-body of some lead-zine mine in Yunnan province mainly analyse the physical and chemical properties of the complete caudal sand and study on natural sedimentation of unclassified tailings,slump and uniaxial strength of the fill material,from which the Natural Sedimentation of the unclassified tailings,flowability,water separating performances and strength characteristics has been obtained.The test results show as follows:after 2~3 hours of natural sedimentation,the weight concentration of complete caudal sand could reach 72%~76%,which needs to add the flocculant to accelerate subsidence of the unclassified tailings,while the weight concentration of complete is 78%~79%,the slump is 24~17 cm,and the water of the filling material bleeds at 1%~0.6%,the filling material is in cream-body condition and suitable for long-range transport.While the mixture ratio of the fill material at 1∶4~1∶12,the uniaxial compressive strength is up to 1~4 MPa.The laboratory tests primarily show that some lead-Zine Mine in Yunnan can adopt the scheme of filling with cream-body made by unclassified tailings sand.
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