谭凯旋,周媛*,邢中华*,王连生*.铀尾矿粒度分形分布对氡析出影响的初步研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2010,24(1):8~12.[TAN Kai-xuan,ZHOU Yuan*,XIN Zhong-hua*,WANG Lian-sheng*.Preliminary Study on Influence of Fractal Size Distribution on Radon Emanation from Uranium Tailings[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2010,24(1):8~12.]
Preliminary Study on Influence of Fractal Size Distribution on Radon Emanation from Uranium Tailings
中文关键词:  铀尾矿  氡析出率  分形  粒度分布
英文关键词:uranium tailings  radon emanation rate  fractal  size distribution
谭凯旋,周媛*,邢中华*,王连生* 南华大学 核资源与核燃料工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
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全文下载次数: 1270
      The emanation of radon from the uranium tailings is a typical environment problem which is fully valued.The influence of fractal size distribution of tailings on radon emanation rate was experimentally studied.The results indicate that the radon emanation rate from uranium tailings behave oscillatory change.With the fractal dimension of 2.3-2.8,the radon emanation rate decreases evidently with the increasing of fractal dimension and reaches the minimum at the fractal dimension of 2.6,and then increases slowly with increasing of fractal dimension.Recoilling,He-Rn cluster forming and heterogeneity of uranium tailings lead to the oscillating change of radon emanation.With the increasing of fractal dimension of size distribution,the contents of small grain increase and the porosity decreases,which result in the decreasing of radon emanation rate with the increasing of fractal dimension.However,with the increasing of fractal dimension and the increasing of small grains,the probability that radon release to pore by recoilling increases,which cause that radon emanation rate increases slightly as the fractal dimension increases.
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