胡继文,钱盛友,付茂林,贾鹏,吴喜军.HIFU肿瘤治疗中的非线性效应对温度分布影响的研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2009,23(4):66~69.[HU Ji-wen1,2,QIAN Sheng-you2,FU Mao-lin1,JIA Peng1,WU Xi-jun1.The Study of the Influence of Nonlinear Effect on Temperature Distribution During HIFU Tumor Treatment[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2009,23(4):66~69.]
The Study of the Influence of Nonlinear Effect on Temperature Distribution During HIFU Tumor Treatment
中文关键词:  高强度聚焦超声  非线性效应  肿瘤治疗
英文关键词:high-intensity focused ultrasound  nonlinear effect  tumor treatment
胡继文1,2,钱盛友2,付茂林1,贾鹏1,吴喜军1 1.南华大学 数理学院湖南 衡阳 4210012.湖南师范大学 物理与信息科学学院湖南 长沙 410081 
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      The temperature field in focused region is obtained by solving nonlinear wave equation and bio-heat equation in the sound field produced by a self-focused concave spherical transducer.The results show that the nonlinear effect plays an important role in the temperature distribution of focal region.On the one hand,the nonlinear effect leads to the focusing point to move forward and the distance between the focusing point and geometrical focus to increase with increasing the focusing depth.On the other hand,it causes the temperature distribution to deform from “cigar” shape into “tadpole” shape or “turtle” shape and the deformation will become more remarkable with the nonlinear property getting intensive.Simultaneously,these results are analyzed.
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