胡和平,廖艳果,周益春.韧性薄膜/基底体系锥形压痕的有限元分析[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2009,23(4):56~61.[HU He-ping1,2,LIAO Yan-guo1,ZHOU Yi-chun2.Finite Element Analysis of Conical Indentation of Elastic-plastic Film/Substrate Systems[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2009,23(4):56~61.]
Finite Element Analysis of Conical Indentation of Elastic-plastic Film/Substrate Systems
中文关键词:  量纲分析  有限元法  锥形压痕  薄膜/基底体系
英文关键词:dimensional analysis  finite element method(FEM)  conical indentation  film/substrate system
胡和平1,2,廖艳果1,周益春2 1.南华大学 数理学院湖南 衡阳 4210012.湘潭大学 低维材料与应用教育部重点实验室湖南 湘潭 411105 
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      Dimensional analysis and finite element method (FEM) have been used in this paper to investigate the conical indentation of elastic plastic film/substrate systems.The scaling relationships derived from dimensional analysis bridge the indentation response and the elastic-plastic properties of both film and substrate.Several key variables of an indentation curve are revealed and examined,which can indicate that the maximum indentation force depends on the elastic-plastic properties of both film and substrate and the initial unloading slope is independent on the initial yield stress of the substrate with the moderate indentation depth.The investigation and analysis of this work might be beneficial to understanding deeply the conical indentation of the elastic plastic film/substrate system,and provide a potential way for developing the practicable technique to extract the mechanical properties of both film and substrate from the conical indentation test.
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