周耀辉,王劲松,张永亮,李仕友.填充率对组合式A2/O工艺处理某污染河水效果的影响[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2009,23(3):72~75.[ZHOU Yao-hui,WANG Jin-song,ZHANG Yong-liang,LI Shi-you.Effect of Filling Rate on Treatment of Polluted River Water by the Combined A2/O Process[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2009,23(3):72~75.]
Effect of Filling Rate on Treatment of Polluted River Water by the Combined A2/O Process
中文关键词:  填充率  A2/O工艺  污染河水
英文关键词:filling rate  A2/O process  polluted river
周耀辉,王劲松,张永亮,李仕友 南华大学 城市建设学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 975
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      考察了不同填料填充率下,组合式A2/O对某污染河水的净化效果.结果表明,好氧区填充率为20%和60%时,在进水水质COD:51.00~67.33 mg/L,NH+4-N:6.51~9.89 mg/L,TN:9.39~14.09 mg/L,TP:0.79~1.30 mg/L情况下,好氧区填料填充率60%的装置的去除效果好于填料填充率20%.考虑该工艺对污水较好的净化效果,该工艺适宜好氧区填料填充率为60%,此时主要污染指标平均去除率分别为COD:56.23%,NH+4-N:54.57%,TN:35.73%,TP:27.04%.
      Purifying effect of the modular A2/O on the polluted river water at the different filler filling rates is investigated.The results show that while aerobic zone filling rate are 20% and 60%,the removal effect of the device with aerobic zone filling rate 60% is better than the device with aerobic zone filling rate 20% in the conditions such as COD:51.00~67.33 mg/L,NH+4-N:6.51~9.89 mg/L,TN:9.39~14.09 mg/L,TP:0.79~1.30 mg/L.This process is suitable for the aerobic zone filling rate 60% while the effect of this process on the polluted water is considered.And the average removal rates of the major pollution are COD:56.23%,NH+4-N:54.57%,TN:35.73%,TP:27.04%,respectively at this time.
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