周泉宇,谭凯旋,谢焱石.华南地区铀成矿及构造控制的分形分析[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2009,23(2):32~36.[ZHOU Quan-yu,TAN Kai-xuan,XIE Yan-shi.Fractal Character of Structural Control on Uranium Mineralization in South China[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2009,23(2):32~36.]
Fractal Character of Structural Control on Uranium Mineralization in South China
中文关键词:  铀矿床  断裂构造  分形  华南地区
英文关键词:uranium ore deposits  fracture structure  fractal  South China
周泉宇,谭凯旋,谢焱石 南华大学 核资源与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 887
全文下载次数: 989
      华南地区是我国铀矿资源的主要产区,华南主要铀矿床皆受北东-北北东向区域性深大断裂控制.华南地区断裂构造及铀矿床分布的分形分析结果表明,华南区域断裂构造与区域铀矿的分布均具有分形特征.整个区域断裂构造分维值D=1.414 2,显示该区断裂作用成熟度较高,十分有利于流体活动和铀成矿作用;铀矿床分布的分维值D=1.052 7,说明铀矿床分布的复杂性要小于断裂构造的分布;三个分区分析结果显示断裂的分布与局部区域铀矿分布具有正相关,断裂构造复杂且分维值高的区域铀矿分布的分维值越高,铀矿分布也越多.导致矿床分形分布的主要原因是分形断裂构造体系的活动.
      South China is the most important uranium producer in the country.Most uranium ore deposits in south China are strictly controlled by NE-NNE trending regional fracture structure.Fractal analyses on spatial distribution of uranium ore deposits and regional fracture structure in south China have been done in this paper.It indicates that the spatial distribution of both uranium ore deposits and regional fracture structure in south China show fractal character.The fractal dimension D=1.414 2 for the spatial distribution of regional fracture structure in the whole area indicate a higher ripening degree in the fracture structure evolution and an advantages to fluid flow and uranium mineralization.The fractal dimension D=1.052 7 for the spatial distribution of uranium ore deposits in south China show a lower complexity than regional fracture structure.The fractal dimensions in three sub-areas in south China on spatial distribution of uranium ore deposits show a positive correlation to which of regional fracture structure.The fractal spatial distribution of uranium ore deposits in south China is the result of the evolution of the fractal fracture structure system.
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