朱和玲,周科平,高峰.基于采矿环境再造人工结构的可靠性研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2009,23(1):36~40.[ZHU He-ling1,2,ZHOU Ke-ping1,2,GAO Feng1,2.Study on the Underground Structure Reliability Based on the Re-Constitutional Mining Environment[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2009,23(1):36~40.]
Study on the Underground Structure Reliability Based on the Re-Constitutional Mining Environment
中文关键词:  采矿环境再造  地下人工结构  可靠度
英文关键词:the reconstructed mining environment  underground artificial structure  reliability
朱和玲1,2,周科平1,2,高峰1,2 1.中南大学 资源与安全工程学院,湖南 长沙 410083
2.湖南省深部金属矿开发与灾害控制重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410083 
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      基于采矿环境再造技术构筑的地下人工结构,要实现安全采矿的前提是其本身要保持足够的稳定性和可靠性.首先客观分析了地下岩体特征和充填体强度存在的不确定性,然后引入NESSUS可靠度分析软件与ANSYS有限元软件联接这一新方法进行可靠度研究,最后结合工程实际,对新疆喀拉通克铜镍矿试验采场结构的可靠性进行模拟,初始可靠度为0.940 586 5,通过调整相关变量来优化结构可靠性,最终结构可靠度增大为0.967 374,满足设计要求.
      The underground artificial structure is based on the reconstructed mining environment,and maintaining its reliability and stability is a prerequisite for realizing a safe,economical and efficient mining.First of all,the characteristics of the rockmass in deep underground and the strength of backfilling are analyzed objectively,and then the reliability analysis software NESSUS is introduced to make reliability study,connecting with the finite element software ANSYS.Finally,the reliability of stope structure of the Kelatongke Copper-Nickel Mine in Xinjiang province is simulated,getting the value of 0.940 586 5.By adjusting the correlative variables to optimize the reliability of the structure,the value of reliability increases to 0.967 374,which meets the design requirements.
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