章求才,贺桂成.急倾斜矿体充填法回采的FLAC3D模拟[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2008,22(4):46~50.[ZHANG Qiu-cai,HE Gui-cheng.FLAC3D Modeling of the Backfill Method Mining for Steeply Dipping Ore-body[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2008,22(4):46~50.] |
急倾斜矿体充填法回采的FLAC3D模拟 |
FLAC3D Modeling of the Backfill Method Mining for Steeply Dipping Ore-body |
投稿时间:2008-10-13 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 急倾斜矿体 上向分层充填法 FLAC3D 矿体回采厚度 采场暴露面积 |
英文关键词:steeply dipping ore-body upward slicing and backfill method FLAC3D ore-body thickness stope exposure area |
基金项目:高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(20060540001);湖南省2007年度安全生产科技发展计划资助项目(07-18) |
摘要点击次数: 665 |
全文下载次数: 807 |
中文摘要: |
针对四川省宁南县银厂沟矿和骑骡沟矿开采,采用三维有限差分程序FLAC3D法,建立了两种不同水平回采厚度的上向分层充填法开采的数值模拟模型,研究了采场上覆岩层的稳定性.研究表明:矿体厚度对采场的稳定性起着决定性作用;适当地选择采空区的暴露面积是控制采场围岩灾变的有效途径;三维有限差分法能较好地模拟上向分层充填法的开采动态,模拟结果也为类似条件下矿山的开发提供了重要的参考. |
英文摘要: |
The 3D finite difference program,FLAC3D,was used to establish two mining models of upward slicing and backfill method of different horizontal mining thickness for Yinchanggou and Qiluogou in Ningnan County,Sichuan Province,and the stability of the surrounding rock mass was analyzed.The results show that the mining thickness plays a decisive role in the stope stability,and that the appropriate goaf’s exposing area is an efficient approach to control the risk evaluation of the surrounding rock masses for stope,and that the 3D finite difference program,FLAC3D,is effective in modeling the mining process of upward slicing and backfill method and the modeling results can be used as the important reference for the development of metal mines under the similar conditions. |
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