胡建华,,周科平,,刘俊,董国庆.基于采矿环境再造的再构空间结构稳定性分析[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2008,22(4):27~31.[HU Jian-hua1,2,ZHOU Ke-ping1,2,LIU Jun3,DONG Guo-qing3.Study on Stability Structural of Re-constructed Space based on Reconstructed Mining Environment[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2008,22(4):27~31.]
Study on Stability Structural of Re-constructed Space based on Reconstructed Mining Environment
中文关键词:  采矿环境再造;再构空间;有限元  稳定性
英文关键词:reconstruct mining environment  re-construct space  FEM  stability
胡建华12,周科平12,刘俊3,董国庆3 1.中南大学 资源与安全工程学院,湖南 长沙 4100832.湖南省深部资源开发与灾害控制重点实验室,湖南 长沙 4100833.新疆喀拉通克铜镍矿,新疆 富蕴 836107 
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      软破矿体高效安全开采是一个现代采矿技术难题.基于采矿施工过程力学、结构力学理论基础,提出了采矿环境再造的新采矿技术与理论,即利用钢筋混凝土实现采矿空间结构再构,并以再构空间环境开展采矿作业.以Ansys软件为工具,对采矿环境的空间再构的结构进行数值模拟试验,分析其应力、变形和混凝土的裂隙演化状态.在采空区未充填和充填两种模式下,再构空间结构的最大垂直位移分别是0.30 m和0.14 m,而最大的拉应力达到3.8 MPa,最大压应力达到42.2 MPa.而采矿过程中,未充填的人工再构顶板结构混凝土中存在大量的二维裂隙,并且在顶板中心位置存在部分三维裂隙发育.结果表明,在进行采矿环境再构的构筑物,能够承受采动过程中的应力转移,但由于裂隙的存在,顶板需要采用合理的锚支补强和空区充填技术,强化再构顶板构筑物的安全稳定性.
      It is a difficult technology problem to safety and efficient mining of soften and crush ore.The technology and theories of reconstruct mining environment are proposed,based on the principle of the construction process mechanics of mine,structure mechanics et al.To the mine,all mining engineering were constructed under the re-construct spaces based on the reconstruct mining environment.In order to study the stability of the re-construct spaces,the stress,distortions and cracks of the re-construction were analyzed by ANSYS.To distortion,the maximal vertical displacements are 30 and 14 cm under respective mode of un-filling and filling.The maximal value of tensile stress is 3.8 MPa,compressive stress is 42.2 MPa.After mining,the 2-D cracks are discovered at the bottom of the re-construct roof,and the 3-D cracks are discovered in the middle of the re-construct roof,too.The numerical simulated results indicate that the re-constructed spaces are safe and stable during mining,the strength of re-constructed spaces can bear the transfer of mining stress,but because of the cracks,the anchor support and filling technology are used to reinforce the stability.
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