彭丽华,陈春宁,吴洪华.某城镇水资源可持续发展对策研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2008,22(2):66~70.[PENG Li-hua1,CHEN Chun-ning2,WU Hong-hua3.Research on the Strategy of Sustainable Development of Water Resources in a County[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2008,22(2):66~70.]
Research on the Strategy of Sustainable Development of Water Resources in a County
中文关键词:  城镇  水资源  可持续发展
英文关键词:County  Water Resources  Sustainable Development
彭丽华1,陈春宁2,吴洪华3 1.衡阳市规划设计院湖南 衡阳 4210012.南华大学 城市建设学院湖南 衡阳 4210013.湖南交通工程职业技术学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 745
全文下载次数: 1180
      通过对湘南某城镇水资源现状的评价及远期(2020年)供需平衡预测分析,对其水资源的可持续发展对策进行了研究,以满足其经济和社会发展对水资源的需求.研究结果显示,该城镇水资源目前严重短缺,到2020年,在频率为P=90%时,缺水量高达1.60×108 m3.为解决其水资源短缺问题,拟采取湘江引水工程、推进城市污水处理与资源化、加强水资源保护、节水及行政管理措施等对策,保证水资源的可持续利用与发展.
      Based on the status assessment of water resources in a county of south Hunan province and the forecast analysis on the long-term (2020) water resources supply-demand balance, the countermeasures of sustainable development of water resources to meet the demand for water with the social and economic development was studied in this paper. The study results show that there is serious shortage of water resources in the County at present, to 2020, while the frequency P = 90%, shortage of water will rise up to 160 million cubic meters. To solve the water shortage problem , the measures such as building the Xiangjiang River water diversion project,improving the city sewage disposal, strengthening the protection of water resources, water-saving and administrative management were taken to ensure sustainable use and development of water resources.
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