贺海生,施周.株洲市饮用水源污染及水质保障技术措施探讨[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2007,21(4):30~33.[.Countermeasures to the Implementation of New Standards for Drinking Water Quality in Zhuzhou City[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2007,21(4):30~33.]
Countermeasures to the Implementation of New Standards for Drinking Water Quality in Zhuzhou City
中文关键词:  湘江水源  水质保障  应急处理体系
英文关键词:XiangJiang River,Water Quality Ensurance,Water network emergence responding system,
贺海生  施周
湖南大学土木工程学院 湖南大学土木工程学院 湖南长沙 株洲市自来水公司 湖南株洲 湖南长沙
摘要点击次数: 728
全文下载次数: 3
      Water resource quality of Zhuzhou city in the past 10 years has been reviewed,and the challenges faced by zhuzhou water supply Company after implementation of new standards for drinking water quality are also analyzed.Measures for meeting the challenges are proposed as the following: strengthening managements of water quality of the resource,treatment,and network;enhancing capability of the common treatment processes;renewing treatment process and piper network,establishing emergence responding system.
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