刘德良,易诚,隆朝晖.三倍体毛白杨硬枝扦插育苗技术研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2007,21(4):24~29.[.Discussion on Solid - cutting Propagation of Populus tomentosa triploid[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2007,21(4):24~29.]
Discussion on Solid - cutting Propagation of Populus tomentosa triploid
中文关键词:  三倍体毛白杨  硬枝扦插  催根贮藏  插后土壤踩实  生根复合剂
英文关键词:Populus tomentosa triploid,solid-cutting,store to take root,step on soil after solid-cutting,root complex
刘德良  易诚  隆朝晖
嘉应学院生物系 湖南环境生物学院科研处 湖南环境生物学院科研处 广东梅州 湖南衡阳
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      三倍体毛白杨没有自生根,硬枝扦插育苗难度大.本研究采取生根复合剂袋装贮藏催根和插后土壤踩实等技术,获得了成功.具体操作技术是:每年11月上中旬落叶后,采集大树或苗木上当年生粗1~1.5 cm的枝条,截成约15 cm长茎段;按50~100根一捆,基部粘附生根复合剂粉(即90%草木灰 8%托布津 2%吲哚丁酸和萘乙酸),装入塑料袋内置通风透气室内贮藏催根,到第二年2月上中旬气候转暖时进行大田扦插,插后土壤踩实,使之与土壤紧密结合,确保插穗生根而不易脱水,加强田间管理,这样扦插成苗率可达80%~90%以上,且苗木根系发达,生长旺盛.
      It was very hard to succeed in solid-cutting propagation because of shortage of spontaneous roots of Populus tomentosa triploid,but success of its solid-cutting was acquired by two techniques of storing to take root in bag and step on soil after solid-cutting.The concrete operations were as follows: The one-year branches with its diameter over 1.2cm in the trees or nursery stocks were collected and cut into length about 15 cm after defoliation of the first and second ten days of November every year;The base of cutting(50 branches a bundle) were adhered to root complex(90% plant ash 8% tuo-bu-jing 2% IBA and NAA),then were stored to take root through carrying the plastic bag in the ventilation room,which were cut in the farmland until the weather was warmed up in the first and second ten days of February next year,in addition,step on soil after solid-cutting was noticeable in order to combine the base of branches with soil and insure roots.So its survival rate could reach over 80%~90% and its roots and growth would produce the best effects.
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