邹桂香,刘利.微生物复合菌对废水中氮和有机物的去除转化研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2007,21(2):79~82.[.Transformation and Elimination of Nitrogen and Organism Compound in Wasterwater by Compound Microbial[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2007,21(2):79~82.]
Transformation and Elimination of Nitrogen and Organism Compound in Wasterwater by Compound Microbial
中文关键词:  微生物复合菌,异养硝化,硝化
英文关键词:compound microbial,heterotrophic nitrification,nitrification,
邹桂香  刘利
衡阳市环境监测站 湖南衡阳421001
摘要点击次数: 853
全文下载次数: 4
      The process of using compound microbial to dispose the artificial compounding wasterwater which contains organic nitrogen has been studied in this paper.For the application of compound microbial to disposal of organic artificial wasterwater,it observes the effect of transforming nitrogen and organics in aerobic and anaerobic conditions.The result shows that the microbe can transform nitrogen in water into nitrite and nitrate in aerobic condition,and that it can transform nitrate into nitrite in the anaerobic condition.As the same,the microbe can reduce COD in water and total nitrogen in filtering liquid in the aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
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