王礼广,杨竹莘,田泽荣.一种适合于求实系数多项式近似复根的迭代法[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2007,21(1):25~29.[.An Iterative Method Fit for Finding Complex Roots of Polynomials with Real Cefficients[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2007,21(1):25~29.]
An Iterative Method Fit for Finding Complex Roots of Polynomials with Real Cefficients
中文关键词:  非线性方程,方程求根法,迭代法,牛顿法,实系数多项式的根
英文关键词:non-linear equation,finding roots of equations,iteration method,Newton method,roots of polynomials with real coefficients
王礼广  杨竹莘  田泽荣
国防科学技术大学计算机学院,东北财经大学数量经济学院,湖南师范大学理学院 湖南长沙410073,南华大学数理学院,湖南衡阳421001,辽宁大连116025,湖南长沙410081
摘要点击次数: 957
全文下载次数: 6
      This paper proposes an iterative method fit for finding complex roots of polynomials with real coefficients,and carries on the analysis for its convergence,and shows some actual examples.This method and the tangent Newton method together construct the basic idea to find approximate roots of an algebraic equation in the complex number field,and it can take the place of the tangent Newton method when the later is failed.Its convergence order is 3,which is greater than 2,one of the tangent Newton method.Specially,it can calculate all real and complex roots of the real polynomials by iterations.It is single-step but not multi-step compared with known parabolic iterative methods.
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