单健,赵修良,陈金地,潘佚.心电图机报警器研制[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2006,20(4):104~107.[.An Alarm Apparatus Developed for Electrocardiogram Machine[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2006,20(4):104~107.]
An Alarm Apparatus Developed for Electrocardiogram Machine
中文关键词:  电路设计  报警器  心电图机  心电信号  安全标准
英文关键词:circuit design,alarm apparatus,electrocardiogram machine,security standard,
单健  赵修良  陈金地  潘佚
摘要点击次数: 711
全文下载次数: 4
      An alarm apparatus was designed for the safeguard electrocardiogram machine trouble-free service,by the concrete operating principle of analysing an ECG machine and the frequent malfunction and the ECG machine's specifications,properties,uses,standards,and cautions,etc.The alarm system consists of a heart rate alarm apparatus,alarm apparatus of the electrode falling off,alarm apparatus palpitation severs,alarm of over or low voltage,alarm apparatus of circuit leaking,alarm apparatus of the battery's low voltage(DC voltage),alarm apparatus of the fuse fused,alarm apparatus of electrical machinery's rotational speed excessively high or low,simple tester of the electrocardiogram machine,miniature machine to eliminate heart trembling and so on.Using the alarm apparatus,it is possible to guarantee the electrocardiogram machine trouble-free service,the operator and patient's safety.
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