吕俊文,史文革,杨勇.某地浸采铀井场地下水抽出处理修复的数值模拟[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2006,20(4):59~64.[.Numerical Modeling of Remediation of Groundwater in a Wellfield of In-Situ Leaching of Uranium by Pump-and-Treat System[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2006,20(4):59~64.]
Numerical Modeling of Remediation of Groundwater in a Wellfield of In-Situ Leaching of Uranium by Pump-and-Treat System
中文关键词:  抽出处理  地浸采铀  地下水  模拟
英文关键词:pump-and-treat system,remediation,groundwater,modeling
吕俊文  史文革  杨勇
[1]南华大学城市建设学院,湖南衡阳421001 [2]南华大学核资源与安全工程学院,湖南衡阳421001 [3]南华大学教务处,湖南衡阳421001
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      通过对研究区井场水文地质条件的分析,建立该区地下水流动与溶质运移耦合数学模型,采用国际流行的地下水模拟软件Visual MODflow模拟抽出处理修复地浸采铀井场地下水在不同抽水量抽水过程中,地下水污染物的分布,以此确定抽水井的布置与合理的抽水量,为抽出处理修复地下水方案实施提供参考.
      Based on the hydrogeological conditions at the investigated site,the coupled mathematic model about the flow and the contaminant transportation in groundwater was established.The software Visual MODflow,the most popular simulation of groundwater flow and contaminant transportation,was used to study the contaminants distribution in groundwater during pumping at different pumping rates,and to determine the pumping well arrangement and optimal pumping rate,which directs the remediation of contaminated groundwater by the pump-and-treat system.
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