袁华山,熊正为,汤池.流域总磷污染动态模拟模型与检验[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2006,20(3):70~74.[.Dynamic Simulation United-Model and Validation of Total Phosphorus Pollutant of Basin[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2006,20(3):70~74.]
Dynamic Simulation United-Model and Validation of Total Phosphorus Pollutant of Basin
中文关键词:  不确定性方法  模型  磷迁移
英文关键词:uncertain method,model,phosphorus transfer,
袁华山  熊正为  汤池
[1]南华大学建筑工程与资源环境学院,湖南衡阳421001 [2]湖南交通工程职业技术学院交通工程系,湖南衡阳421001
摘要点击次数: 886
全文下载次数: 3
      In this paper,the influence of the different origin phosphorus on the quality of the aim water body was analyzed.The production way about phosphorus of the basin(including point sources and area sources) and its transfer rule in the rivers and in the soil were analyzed,too.Dynamic simulation united-model of total phosphorus pollutant was established on basis of the element of uncertain influence decomposition model method.The basic supposition of the mode,the structure and the relations of various little model and it's computation mechanism had been discussed.Finally,with the Xiangjiang River basin as the example,the simulation computation was carried out by the model.The dynamic variety tendency about total phosphorus of a section of the Xiangjiang River along with the time was described.The result indicated this model may provide the scientific policy-making reference for the total phosphorus contamination control of the basin.
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