陈海辉,肖新跃,郭达永.大型液化石油气储罐组装环焊缝的残余应力分析[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2006,20(3):16~19.[.Analysis of Residual Stress at Assembled Circular Weld of Large Liquid Petroleum-Gas Storage Tanks[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2006,20(3):16~19.]
Analysis of Residual Stress at Assembled Circular Weld of Large Liquid Petroleum-Gas Storage Tanks
中文关键词:  残余应力  局部退火  组装环焊缝  大型储罐
英文关键词:residual stress,local annealing,assembled circumferential weld,large storage tank
陈海辉  肖新跃  郭达永
[1]南华大学机械工程学院,湖南衡阳421001 [2]南华大学数理学院,湖南衡阳421001 [3]郑州卷烟总厂技改指挥部,河南郑州450004
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      Residual stresses between before and after annealing at the assembled circuit weld for a 250 m~3 liquid petroleum-gas storage tank were determined through the measurement of relaxed surface strains by the incremental hole drilling method,and the affect of location annealing process was analysis.The experimental result shows that high stress area appeared at the circuit direction of outside wall;after being annealed,those residual stresses decreased 37%~60%,average 50%,max decreasing stress 299 MPa;circuit direction residual stresses could be decreased 30%~60% by location annealing process for circuit weld,which satisfies the requirement of eliminate residual stress.
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