陈金花,陈刚.上海明珠大酒店中央空调工程设计[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2005,(Z1):40~44.[.Central Air-conditioning System Design for Mingzhu Hotel of Shanghai[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2005,(Z1):40~44.]
Central Air-conditioning System Design for Mingzhu Hotel of Shanghai
中文关键词:  风机盘管加独立新风系统  全空气系统  防排烟  散流器
英文关键词:PAU+FCU system,complete air system,exhaust air,air diffuser,
陈金花  陈刚
摘要点击次数: 855
全文下载次数: 4
      The conditioning system is divided into three different systems according to its function.The first one is the high and big room such as restaurant,and the second one is the meeting room,and the third is the other little rooms such as office,bedroom,KTV room and so on.The first system adopts the complete air system.The air-conditioning equipment deals with the supply and the air return.The second system uses the PAU+ AHU system,AHU system deals with the returning air,and PAU system deals with the fresh air.The third system adopts the PAU+FCU system,FCU system deals with the returning air.Natural ventilation is used in the hall and the rooms which can prevate air out.And almost all rooms' returning air is through the floor.The design adopts the same system to exhaust air and smoke,and the dualwind velocity fans are chosen.Ordinarily,it only exhaust air,it does not exhaust smoke unless the fire disaster happened.
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