袁帅华,钟新谷,邓速辉.茅草街大桥主桥整体稳定性优化计算[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2005,(4):46~49.[.Optimization of Structure Stability of Maocaojie Bridge[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2005,(4):46~49.]
Optimization of Structure Stability of Maocaojie Bridge
中文关键词:  钢管混凝土拱桥  稳定  优化  构造
英文关键词:concrete-filled steel tube arch bridge,stability,optimization,structure
袁帅华  钟新谷  邓速辉
[1]同济大学桥梁工程系,上海200092 [2]湖南科技大学土木工程学院,湖南湘潭411201 [3]株洲工学院,湖南株洲412008
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      The main bridge of Mcaocaojie bridge is a half-through concreted-filled steel tube(CFST) arch bridge with the ratio of width of deck(16m) and main span(368m) being very small.So its overall stability is one of the critical problems in design.To assure the stability of the main bridge and simultaneously make the main bridge economical,rational,artistic,a three-dimensional stability analysis model of Maocaojie bridge is set up,and the effects of different structure details of the horizontal joints system and the arch rib on stability are studied,then the influence curves are presented,finally the optimization measurements of the structure stability of Maocaojie bridge are given in this paper.
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