郭广军,陈代武,胡玉平,李芝城.基于JDBC的数据库访问技术的研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2005,(2):50~55.[.The Research on JDBC-Based Database Access Technique[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2005,(2):50~55.]
The Research on JDBC-Based Database Access Technique
中文关键词:  JDBC  数据库访问  事务  ODBC
英文关键词:JDBC,Database access,transaction,ODBC
郭广军  陈代武  胡玉平  李芝城
[1]湖南人文科技学院计算机系,湖南娄底417000//武汉大学国际软件学院,湖北武汉430072 [2]湖南人文科技学院计算机系,湖南娄底417000
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       JDBC is a standard member of the Java platform which is a important technique base of database access of database-independent and spanning platform. In this paper, the architecture and work mechanism of JDBC and the performance feature on four kinds of JDBC driver are analyzed at first, then, the common algorithm of JDBC database access is researched, the control method of data transaction is probed into, and the program template of database access and transaction control is designed. At last, the difference is compared between JDBC and ODBC.
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