唐冬,杨亮,黄智伟,吕明霞.半相关平坦衰落下MIMO系统容量分析[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2005,(2):41~45.[.Capacity of MIMO Systems in Semicorrelated Flat Fading Environment[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2005,(2):41~45.]
Capacity of MIMO Systems in Semicorrelated Flat Fading Environment
中文关键词:  多输入多输出(MIMO)  信道状态信息  半相关  指数相关
英文关键词:MIMO,CSI,Semi-correlation,Exponential Correlation
唐冬  杨亮  黄智伟  吕明霞
[1]南华大学电气工程学院,湖南衡阳421001//中山大学信息科学与技术学院,广东广州510275 [2]中山大学信息科学与技术学院,广东广州510275 [3]南华大学电气工程学院,湖南衡阳421001 [4]衡阳市公路管理局,湖南衡阳421001
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       This paper derives the expression of mean capacity of MIMO systems for semi-correlated flat-fading and the CSI at the transmitter. Based on the expression, we use exponential correlation model to investigate the system model. The research results show: for the exponential model, the capacity loss is negligible when the correlation coefficient between two adjacent antennas is as large as 0.5;In some particular cases, correlated fading may offer better performance than uncorrelated fading; Knowing CSI at the transmitter only makes function under the condition of low transmitted power.
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