何金桥,何啸峰.锌精馏铅塔冷凝器换热数学模型研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2005,(1):108~111.[.Study of Capacity of Heat Transfer about Condenser of 1# Lead Column in the Zinc Refining[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2005,(1):108~111.]
Study of Capacity of Heat Transfer about Condenser of 1# Lead Column in the Zinc Refining
中文关键词:  锌精馏  铅塔  冷凝器  能量守恒  相变  冶炼厂  数学模型
英文关键词:zinc refining,lead column,condenser,energy conservation,phase-transformation
何金桥  何啸峰
[1]长沙理工大学能源与动力工程学院,湖南长沙,410077 [2]南华大学计算机科学与技术学院,湖南衡阳,421001
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      The actual condensing capacity of the condenser of 1# lead column is evidently smaller than the bulk-thermodynamics burden, but the condenser always keeps away from breaking the top in. At present the flame proof device and defence roof at the top of the condenser have been cancelled to strengthen radiating heating intensity to enhance the output. According to the means of heat transfer of the condenser of 1# lead column, the radiating state of the condenser is measured, and a mathematical model of heat transfer on the condensation of zinc vapor in the condenser based on the principle of energy conservation is proposed. This model sufficiently considers the ability of the means of heat transfer, and accurately reflects the conditions of heat transfer. Some important results about reinforcement of heat transfer and optimize of the tuctrue of the condenser have been pointed.
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