曾晟,杨仕教,张新华,满聪,王和龙.单轴压缩下石灰岩损伤统计本构模型与试验研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2005,(1):69~73.[.Statistical Constitutive Model for Limestone Rock Damage under Uniaxial Compression and Its Experimental Study[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2005,(1):69~73.]
Statistical Constitutive Model for Limestone Rock Damage under Uniaxial Compression and Its Experimental Study
中文关键词:  岩石力学  本构模型  石灰岩  单轴压缩  损伤力学  试验研究
英文关键词:rock mechanics,constitutive model,limestone,uniaxial compression
曾晟  杨仕教  张新华  满聪  王和龙
[1]南华大学建筑工程与资源环境学院,湖南衡阳421001 [2]中国建筑材料工业地质勘查中心湖南总队,湖南株洲412000
摘要点击次数: 980
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      Based on the strain strength theory and the Weibull distribution hypothesis of rock strength, this paper developed the parameter that can rationally describe the micro-unit strength of rock.And a statistical constitutive model for rock damage under uniaxial compression, which can reflect the residual strength of rocks, is established by use of the damage constitutive theory of continuous medium . With the RMT-150B electro-hydraulic and servo-controlled testing machine, uniaxial compression tests are performed on the limestone rock, and the parameters of the damage statistical constitutive model are determined according to the experimental results, and results are obtained about the statistical constitutive model for limestone rock damage.
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