何少华,娄金生,熊正为,谢水波.反渗透系统在饮用水深度处理中的应用[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2003,(1):55~58.[.Application of Reverse Osmosis System to the Advanced Treatment of Drinking Water[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2003,(1):55~58.]
Application of Reverse Osmosis System to the Advanced Treatment of Drinking Water
中文关键词:  水源,深度处理,反渗透系统
英文关键词:water sources,advanced treatment,RO system,
何少华  娄金生  熊正为  谢水波
南华大学建筑工程与资源环境学院 湖南衡阳421001 (何少华,娄金生,熊正为)
,南华大学建筑工程与资源环境学院 湖南衡阳421001(谢水波)
摘要点击次数: 1042
全文下载次数: 1
      某市城区各水厂的取水水源主要受到了重金属与有机物的污染 ,而常规的饮用水处理工艺流程对水中重金属离子及有机污染物的去除能力非常有限 .针对该市水源水质现状 ,选择了反渗透系统对自来水进行深度处理 .两年来的运行结果表明 :反渗透系统对水中的重金属离子、有机污染物和细菌的去除效率都非常高
      The water up-take sources of a city is mainly polluted by organic pollutants and high weight metals. However,the removal efficiency of organic pollutants and high weight metals is extremely low when using normal drinking water treatment processes. Therefore,The reverse osmosis(RO) system was chosen for the advanced treatment of drinking water according to the water sources quality of this city. The run results of two years showed that the removal efficiency of organic pollutants,high weight metals and bacteria is very high after RO system.
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