张尚先,杨文涛.变量叶片泵定子径向力脉动分析[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2003,(1):42~46.[.Discussion about Pulsation of Stator Radial Force in Variable Flow Vane-type Pump[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2003,(1):42~46.]
Discussion about Pulsation of Stator Radial Force in Variable Flow Vane-type Pump
中文关键词:  变量叶片泵,定子,径向力,脉动
英文关键词:variable flow vane-type pump,stator,radial force,pulsation,
张尚先  杨文涛
湖南冶金职业技术学院学报编辑部 湖南株洲412000 (张尚先)
,湖南冶金职业技术学院学报编辑部 湖南株洲412000(杨文涛)
摘要点击次数: 938
全文下载次数: 2
      对变量叶片泵定子所受径向液压力进行分析 ,其大小和方向是不断变化的 .该力可以造成对定子的冲击和振荡 ,引起叶片泵的压力、流量脉动 ,产生振动、噪声 .将园柱弹簧改为园锥弹簧、在定子与弹簧之间加橡胶衬垫是解决上述不良现象的两种简单易行的措施
      The radial hydraulic force of stator in variable flow vane-type pump is discussed,whose numerical value and direction are continually changeable. This pulsatile force would lead to collision and oscillation to stator,pressure and flow pulsation to pump,and engender vibration and noise. There are two kinds of measures feasibly to remove these disadvantages:ont is to that change cylinder spring into a cone one,and the other is to put a rubber gasket between stator and spring.
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