王汉青,黄春华,寇广孝,汤广发.普通空调房间气流分层现象的数值仿真研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2001,(1):5~9.[.Numerical Simulation Research on Delaminlation Phenomena of Ordinary Air-Conditioned Room[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2001,(1):5~9.]
Numerical Simulation Research on Delaminlation Phenomena of Ordinary Air-Conditioned Room
中文关键词:  数值仿真  热气流  分层
英文关键词:numerical simulation,hot air jet,delamination
基金项目:NSF of Hunan Province(99JJY20053)
王汉青  黄春华  寇广孝  汤广发
王汉青(南华大学建筑工程与资源环境学院,湖南衡阳 421001)
黄春华(南华大学建筑工程与资源环境学院,湖南衡阳 421001)
寇广孝(南华大学建筑工程与资源环境学院,湖南衡阳 421001)
摘要点击次数: 639
全文下载次数: 2
      讨论了普通房间热气流分层现象,使用数值仿真方法来研究这一问题。使用 了CTFFP和PHONLX两个软件进行了仿真,并对结果进行了比较,发现两者都可以很 好地预测气流流动。文章还讨论了影响分层现象的几个因素(入口高度、热射流角度和热流方向等。)
      The authors discuss the phenomena of hot air jet in an ordinary air-conditioned room. Numerical simulation method is used to study the problem. Both CTFFP program and Phoenix program are used to take a comparison between their results. It is found that both of them can predict the flow field well. Several factors to influence the delaminating problem, such as the height of the inlet, the angle of the supplied air jet and heat flux direction are discussed in the paper.
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