邹鲁军.试论“自由心证”的有益汲取[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2000,(3):.[.[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2000,(3):.]
中文关键词:  自由心证,现状,汲取,前景,司法改革
英文关键词:free-mind-testimony,present situation,prospect,juridic reform,
摘要点击次数: 717
全文下载次数: 3
      我国现行的法定证据制度存在缺陷 ,因为它有时会束缚法官的正确判断力 ,还会导致诉讼参加人以不法方式取得证据或作伪证 .自由心证恰恰可以弥补法定证据制度的不足 .而且 ,自由心证制度是与公开审判、口头辩论、交叉提问等极为生动的诉讼原则和方式结合在一起的 .我国法院审判方式改革至今未得到根本改观 ,症结就在于上述原则、方式未得到真正运用 .自由心证在我国目前虽无法定地位 ,但审判实践中却经常用到 .可以用由最高法院公布案例的方式将正确运用自由心证的作法予以认可 ,继之以司法解释的形式有条件地推广 ,最后修改诉讼法以确立其地位
      :There exists a certain defect in the current legal testimony system in our country.It sometimes confines the judgement of a judge and leads to a false testimony or an illegal testimony.Free mind testimony can justly make up the deficiency.Furthermore,the free mind testimony is combined closely with those vivid principles and techniques such as an open judgement,oral discussion and cross questioning.The judgement in our country experiences no fundamental change.The basic reason lies in no rea usage of the above mentioned principles and methods in reality.The free mind testimony in our country now has no legal position but is widely employed in practices.It can be admitted as published cases by Supreme Count firstly and then conducts a conditional push in form of juridic explanation and finally sets in position through the revision of law.The free mind testimony will play a certain role in the juridic reform in our country.
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