马柳颖.设立民事举证时限制度的初步思考[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),1998,(2):.[.Initial Thoughts on Founding Civil Proof Time Limit Institution[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),1998,(2):.]
Initial Thoughts on Founding Civil Proof Time Limit Institution
中文关键词:  举证制度,举证时限,法律观念障碍,法律后果,庭前准备程序
英文关键词:proof raising institution,proof raising time limit,obstruction of statutory ideas,legal results,prepare court order before hearing
摘要点击次数: 874
全文下载次数: 2
      In the present civil proof institution, the doctrine of giving a proof is taken atany time. This institution spoils the image of court justice and neutrality and violates thesystem of thc court of second instance being the court of last instance, lawsuit justice andlawsuit beneflclal result. Therefore, we should improve the exlsting proof time limit institution and stipulate that those who do not give a proof in time should bcar the legal resultsof losing a lawsult or loss of lawsuit. only by gett1ng rid of the obstruction of traditionalstatutory ideas, reforming pritrial procedures and founding an institution of exchangingproofs or preparing court order before hearing can we establish a civil proof time Iimit institution and carry it out.
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