龚学余.在感应电场下射频电流驱动与等离子体平衡[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),1996,(1):.[.RF Current Driven and Plasma Toroidal Equilibrium in the Presence of the Electric Field Induced[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),1996,(1):.]
RF Current Driven and Plasma Toroidal Equilibrium in the Presence of the Electric Field Induced
中文关键词:  等离子体平衡,射频电流驱动,感应电场,附加电流
英文关键词:plasma equilibrium, RF current driven, electric field induced, additional current
摘要点击次数: 986
全文下载次数: 1
      This paper, using the drift Kinetic Quasi-linear Fokker-Planck equation in the presence of both the induced electric field and the RF wave,derived the plasma electric current which consist of a neoclassical electric current jnc, a RF wave electric current jRF, an Ohmic electric current Joh and an additional electrical current jl, and gave the analytical expressions of these currents within the high-phase-speed limit. Given density and temperature profile, combining the Fokker-Plank equation with the ray equation and the wave power evolution equation, the poloidal flux surface average (jllB) can be calculated. Uponthis basis, the Grad-Shafranov equation for plasma equilibrium can be solved and the self consistent flux and some of the equilibrium parameters can be obtained. This theory can be applied to lower hybrid slow and fast waves to drive a steady current, a current rampingup or Oh coil recharging while a constant plasma current is maintained. The shape of the plasma boundary may be arbitrary, either circular or noncircular.
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