投稿时间:2013-09-16  修订日期:2013-10-28
中文关键词:  错牙合畸形  早期矫治  正畸治疗需要
英文关键词:malocclusion, early  orthodontic treatment ,Index  of Orthodontic  Treatment Need(IOTN)
陈晓明* 湖南省益阳医学高等专科学校附属医院口腔中心 413001
摘要点击次数: 728
全文下载次数: 0
      [English ]Objective:To evaluate children aged 7-9 the index of orthodontic treatment need. In order to give a suggestion to oral health.Methods: S158 S7-9 years children take modulus and take a frontal photo about teeth. To evaluate children aged 7-9 the index of orthodontic treatment need using dental health component and aesthetic component. Results: SThe results indicate that from DHC, 33% of children had great need and very great need for orthodontic treatment need, 53.7% of children had no need. From AC, 13.3% of children had great need and very great need for orthodontic treatment need, 63.3% of children had no need. This correlation was showed in Related of DHC and AC . Conclusion: 33% of 7-9 year-old Hunan Yiyang children had great need and very great need for orthodontic treatment need .AC is lesser than DHC.
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