689例中老年人体检心电图临床分析张慧文 廖晓香
Clinical analysis of the ECG from 689 middle aged and elderly people
投稿时间:2013-04-10  修订日期:2013-04-10
中文关键词:  中老年  心电图 临床分析
英文关键词:Clinical  analysis of  in the  elderly electrocardiogram
张慧文* 南华大学附属第二医院 421001
摘要点击次数: 808
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      目的 通过对689例中老年人体检心电图进行分析,探讨中老年人异常心电图的分布特点及检测的临床意义。方法 对2012年10月我市直某单位35岁以上689例职工体检心电图资料进行统计分类。结果 异常心电图为268例,所占比例为38.9%,总检出异常率与年龄呈正相关,与性别无明显差异。结论 定期心电图检测对预防、发现诊断心血管疾病具有积极意义。
      Objective To analyze the Electrocardiograph (ECG ) in 689 patients, to find out the characteristics of the distribution of abnormal ECG and to evaluate the clinical significance of ECG especially in the elderly. Methods Analyze all the ECG data acquired from 689 people who are older than 35 in their physical examinations in October 2012. Results There were 268 abnormal ECG cases which constituted 38.9% of the total. The percentages of the abnormities had a positive correlation with age. However there were no significant differences in the abnomity ratio between males and females. Conclusion Regular ECG examinations have an important significance in preventing and diagnosing the cardiovascular diseases.
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