Evalution value of serum BDNF, NGF and MBP levels for prognosis of adolescent schizophrenia
投稿时间:2021-08-26  修订日期:2022-03-14
中文关键词:  青少年精神分裂症  脑源性神经营养因子  神经生长因子  髓鞘碱性蛋白
英文关键词:adolescent schizophrenia  brain-derived neurotrophic factor  nerve growth factor  myelin basic protein
基金项目:海南省自然科学基金面上项目(819MS129) 作者简介:黎顺成,硕士,主治医师,研究方向为精神及脑病相关研究,E-mail为viking2580@163.com。通信作者徐雪怡,硕士,主治医师,研究方向为内科疾病的治疗,E-mail为1597703685@qq.com。
黎顺成 海南省第四人民医院精神科五科,海南省海口市 570206 e-mail为viking2580@163.com,e-mail为1597703685@qq.com 
徐雪怡 海南省第四人民医院 医学康复科,海南省海口市 570206 e-mail为viking2580@163.com,e-mail为1597703685@qq.com 
陈程 海南省第四人民医院精神科五科,海南省海口市 570206  
刘向来 海南省第四人民医院 精神科学研究所,海南省海口市 570206  
摘要点击次数: 314
全文下载次数: 193
      To investigate the expression levels and prognostic value of serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), nerve growth factor (NGF) and myelin basic protein (MBP) in adolescent patients. MethodsA total of 120 adolescents with schizophrenia were selected as the observation group, which were all treated with second-generation atypical antipsychotic drugs. The positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS) score was performed before treatment, after treatment and 1 year after follow-up. Serum levels of BDNF, NGF and MBP were detected by ELISA assay.At the same time, a total of 120 healthy adolescents underwent physical examination at the same time were compared and analyzed as the control group. ResultsBefore treatment, the levels of serum BDNF and NGF were lower while MBP was higher in the observation group than those in the control group(P<0.05). After treatment and 1 year after follow-up, the serum levels of BDNF and NGF were increased while MBP and PANSS were decreased in the observation group(P<0.05). Serum BDNF and NGF levels were negatively correlated with PANSS score(P<0.05), while MBP level was positively correlated with PANSS score(P<0.05). The AUC value of serum BDNF, NGF and MBP combined to predict the prognosis of adolescent schizophrenia was 0.866. ConclusionSerum BDNF, NGF, MBP levels have significant correlation with the condition of adolescent schizophrenia patients, and can be used as diagnostic indicators for prognosis evaluation of patients.
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