Correlation between body mass index and urinary albumin creatinine ratio in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
投稿时间:2020-12-12  修订日期:2021-01-30
中文关键词:  2型糖尿病  体质量指数  尿白蛋白肌酐比  血糖  血脂
英文关键词:type 2 diabetes  BMI  UACR  blood sugar  blood lipids
洪燕青 黄山市人民医院内分泌科, 安徽省黄山市245000 e-mail为zhang001318h@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 341
全文下载次数: 255
      目的研究2型糖尿病患者不同体质量指数(BMI)与尿白蛋白肌酐比的相关性。 方法选择105例2型糖尿病患者,根据BMI分为过轻组20例、正常组30例、超重组30例、肥胖组25例。比较4组患者血糖、空腹血糖(FBG)、餐后2h血糖(2 hPG)、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)、甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)、低密度脂蛋白(LDL)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL)、血肌酐(SCr)、尿素氮(BUN)、尿白蛋白肌酐比(UACR)。Pearson直线相关法分析BMI与UACR的相关性。 结果 正常组HbA1c、TG、TC、LDL显著高于过轻组,但低于超重组与肥胖组;正常组HDL显著低于过轻组,但高于超重组与肥胖组(P<0.05)。 超重组和肥胖组SCr、UACR和BUN均显著高于过轻组和正常组(P<0.05)。经Pearson直线相关法分析,BMI<18.5 kg/m2、BMI 18.5~24.0 kg/m2与UACR无相关性(P>0.05),BMI 24.0~28.0 kg/m2、BMI≥28.0 kg/m2与UACR呈正相关(P<0.05)。 结论2型糖尿病患者不同BMI与UACR的相关性具有明显的节段性变化,临床需结合各类检查指标进行诊疗。
      To study the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and urinary albumin creatinine ratio in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods105 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus were divided into three groups according to BMI:mild group (n=20), normal group (n=30), overweight group (n=30) and obesity group (n=25). The blood glucose, FBG, 2 hPG, HbA1c, TG, TC, LDL, HDL, SCr, BUN and UACR of the four groups were compared. Pearson linear correlation was used to analyze the correlation between BMI and UACR. Results HbA1c, TG, TC and LDL in normal group were significantly higher than those in mild group, but lower than those in overweight and obesity group; HDL of normal group was significantly lower than that of mild group, but higher than that of overweight and obesity group (P<0.05). SCr, UACR and BUN in overweight and obesity groups were significantly higher than those in mild and normal groups (P<0.05). Pearson linear correlation analysis showed that BMI<18.5 kg/m2, BMI 18.5-24.0 kg/m2 had no correlation with UACR (P>0.05), BMI 24.0-28.0 kg/m2, BMI≥28 kg/m2 had positive correlation with UACR (P<0.05). ConclusionThere are obvious segmental changes in the correlation between different BMI and UACR in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, and clinical diagnosis and treatment should be combined with various examination indexes.
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