Clinical value of fetal renal artery, middle cerebral artery and venous catheter shunt rate in the diagnosis of fetal intrauterine distress in pregnancy-induced hypertension
投稿时间:2019-05-15  修订日期:2019-10-24
中文关键词:  肾动脉  大脑中动脉  静脉导管分流率  妊高症  胎儿宫内窘迫
英文关键词:renal artery  middle cerebral artery  venous catheter shunt rate  pregnancy-induced hypertension  fetal intrauterine distress
陈剑超 南华大学附属第二医院 超声医学科,湖南 衡阳 421001 
周杰 南华大学附属第二医院 妇产科,湖南 衡阳 421001 
李晶 南华大学附属第二医院 急诊科,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 588
全文下载次数: 526
      To explore the clinical effect of fetal renal artery, middle cerebral artery and venous catheter shunt rate in the diagnosis of intrauterine fetal distress in patients with pregnancy induced hypertension. The pregnant women with pregnancy-induced hypertension who were suspected to have intrauterine distress and healthy pregnant women whose fetal heart rate, renal artery and middle cerebral artery resistance index (RI), pulsatility index (PI), S/D and ductus venous (DV) shunt rate, were compared and analyzed. Results show, the fetus's fetal heart rate, renal artery RI, PI, S/D were significantly higher in the pregnant induced hypentesion women, RI, PI, S/D of middle cerebral artery and shunt rate of venous catheter were significantly lower. Fetal heart rate, RI, PI, S/D of fetal renal artery were positively correlated with fetal distress, while RI, PI, S/D of fetal middle cerebral artery and shunt rate of venous catheter were negatively correlated with fetal distress. The sensitivity, specificity and positive rate of color Doppler ultrasonography in examining fetal renal artery, middle cerebral artery and venous catheter shunt rate were significantly higher than those of simple fetal heart monitoring alone.
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