Follow-up analysis of the effect of HMG ovulation induction program in different follicular stages of infertility caused by polycystic ovary syndrome
中文关键词:  多囊卵巢综合征  卵泡期  促尿性素
英文关键词:polycystic ovary syndrome  follicular phase  urinary tract
刘霞 泰州市人民医院妇产科,江苏 泰州 225300 
王琳 泰州市人民医院妇产科,江苏 泰州 225300 
摘要点击次数: 463
全文下载次数: 696
      To study the ovulation induction regimen of adding HMG in the mid-follicles,106 cases of infertility caused by polycystic ovary syndrome in reproductive clinic of our hospital were selected. The therapeutic effects and pregnancy outcomes of the early follicular phase group and middle follicular phase group were observed and compared. The results showed, compared to the middle follicular phase group, that the number of mature follicles in the early follicular phase group was higher, the thickness of the uterine membrane of HCG was thicker, and the amount of HMG was lower, the pregnancy rate was higher. The results indicated that ovulation induction regimen of adding HMG in the early stage of follicles is superior to the ovulation induction regimen of adding HMG in the mid-follicles, which helps to improve the pregnancy rate.
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