Application Value of the Difference of Cord Blood TNF-a and IL-6 Level in Diagnosis of Brain Damage by non- Asphyxia Fetal Distress
中文关键词:  胎儿窘迫  脑损伤  核磁共振(MRI)  白介素6(IL-6)  肿瘤坏死因子-α
英文关键词:fetal distress brain damage Magnetic Resonance Imaging Interleukin-6 tumor necrosis factor-α
程丽琴1,2,田春芳2,古晓珊2 (1.汕头大学医学院妇产科广东 汕头 5150412.深圳市第七人民医院妇产科) 
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      目的 探讨检测脐血肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)及白介素6(IL-6)在诊断无窒息胎儿窘迫新生儿脑损伤中的价值。 方法 采用前瞻性研究方法,选取2013年1月至2014年12月在我院正常剖宫产分娩的新生儿30例(正常组),有胎儿窘迫史剖宫产分娩的新生儿50例,其中脑核磁共振(MRI)提示无脑损伤30例(窘迫史组),有脑损伤20例(脑损伤组)。胎儿娩出后立即抽取脐动脉血进行TNF-α和IL-6指标测定,并对所有新生儿行脑MRI检查。 结果 (1)正常新生儿与有胎儿窘迫史无脑损伤新生儿的TNF-α及IL-6水平比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。(2)正常新生儿与有胎儿窘迫史伴脑损伤新生儿TNF-α及IL-6水平比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(3)在有胎儿窘迫史的新生儿中,无脑损伤新生儿与伴脑损伤新生儿的TNF-α及IL-6水平比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(4)当TNF-α取53.23 pg/mL时,其诊断脑损伤的特异性为80.3%,灵敏性为90.1%。当IL-6取156.23 pg/mL时,其诊断脑损伤的特异性为82.5%,灵敏性为81.5%。 结论 检测脐血TNF-α及IL-6在无窒息胎儿窘迫新生儿脑损伤中有诊断意义,可作为临床实验室诊断的新指标。
      Objective To discuss the application value of the difference of Cord Blood TNF-αand IL-6 content in Diagnosis of brain damage by non-asphyxia fetal distress. Methods Use the prospective study,selected 30 neonates by normal cesarean section between January 2013 and December 2014 in our hospital (Normal group),and 50 neonates by cesarean section with history of fetal distress,including 30 cases with no brain damage detected after MRI (Fetal distress group) and 20 cases with brain damages(Brain damage group).After deliveries,immediately extracted umbilical arterial blood and detected the index of TNF-α and IL-6,and conducted MRI inspection with all cases. Results (1) TNF-α and IL-6 levels difference between normal neonates and neonates with history of fetal distress but no brain damages showed no statistical significance (P>0.05)(2) TNF-α and IL-6 levels difference between normal neonates and neonates with history of fetal distress and brain damages showed statistical significance (P<0.05)(3) TNF-α and IL-6 levels difference between neonates with history of fetal distress but no brain damage and neonates with history of fetal distress and brain damages showed statistical significance (P<0.05)(4) When TNF-α content reached 53.23 pg/mL,the specificity of diagnosis of brain damage was 80.3%,sensitivity was 90.1%.when IL-6 content reached 156.23 pg/mL,the specificity of diagnosis of brain damage was 82.5%,sensitivity was 81.5%. Conclusions The detection of TNF-α and IL-6 content in umbilical blood for diagnosis of brain damage by non-asphyxia fetal distress is of diagnostic significance and could be used as a new index for Clinical laboratory diagnosis.
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