Effect of Long-term Wearing Rigid Contact Lenses on the Stability of Tear Film
中文关键词:  角膜接触镜  泪膜稳定性  泪膜破裂
英文关键词:contact lenses the stability of tear film BUT
王俞方,夏世刚*,罗洁,陈磊,燕建军 (南华大学附属第二医院眼科湖南 衡阳 421001) 
摘要点击次数: 695
全文下载次数: 1482
      Objective To investigate the effect of long-term wearing rigid contact lenses on the stability of tear film.Methods Eighty (one hundred sixty eyes) patients were randomly divided into four groups:Group one,Long-term wearing RGP (twenty patients,forty eyes) Group two,Long-term wearing orthokeratology lenses at night (twenty-two patients,forty-four eyes) Group three,Long-term wearing soft contact lenses (twenty patients,forty eyes) Normal control,low myopia patients without a history of wearing contact lenses (eighteen patients,thirty-six eyes).Patients' vision,Schirmer I test,break-up time (BUT) of tear film,conjunctival impression cytology (CIC),and tear film fern experiments were performed before wearing lenses,wearing for one month,wearing for six month,wearing for one year,wearing for two years,respectively. Results The results of Schirmer I test and break-up time (BUT) of tear film in each experimental group were reduced as compared with normal control group.The difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).After long-term wearing contact lenses,the conjunctival goblet cells was decreased in all experimental groups,and can not form a good ferning phenomenon. Conclusions Long-term wearing contact lenses can result in decreasing the stability of tear film and reduce tear secretion.
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