The Cinical Characteristics,Treatment and Prognosis of Patients withDepression After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
中文关键词:  冠心病  经皮冠状动脉介入治疗  抑郁症
英文关键词:coronary artery disease  percutaneous coronary intervention  depression
肖羚,蒋建军,刘列勇,张熠 永州市第三人民医院心内科湖南 永州 425000 
摘要点击次数: 853
全文下载次数: 1495
      ObjectiveTo explore the cinical characteristics,treatment and prognosis of patients with depression after percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI).MethodThere were 62 cases with depression among 213 cases after PCI analysed from the clinical characteristics and the common spirit of the psychological reasons such as age,gender,educational level,place of residence and income.The 62 cases were retrospectively assigned to the test group of drug and psychological therapy and control group of drug therapy,31 in each group.The changes in the two groups after treatment were compared using the depression scores,quality of life,rehospitalization rate and the incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE).ResultsThe patients after PCI with depression were more in those with the lower level of culture,the worse family economic condition (46.2%),the more serious condition (myocardial infarction accounted for 72.6%,the double-vessel disease ,triple-vessel disease accounted for 79.0%).The causes of depression are various and mainly related to the reasons including family financial difficulties,overburdening(67.7%),poor labor productivity and ability to bear family (51.6%) and fear of the recurrence of coronary heart disease (87.1%).Among the patients with depression after PCI,drug and psychological therapy can reduce the depression scores,the rehospitalization rate and the incidence of MACE and improve the quality of life.The efficacy of test groups was superior to control groups.ConclusionsThe short-term and long-term prognosis of patients after PCI with depression was seriously influenced.It is especially important to strengthen drug and psychological therapy (“double heart treatment ”).
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