The Analysis of Hypertensive Disorder Complicating Pregnancy Risk Factors and the Prognostic Analysis on Maternal and Children
中文关键词:  妊娠期高血压疾病  危险因素  母婴预后
英文关键词:hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy  risk factors  maternal prognosis
郭江虹 衡南县人民医院妇产科湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 778
全文下载次数: 1132
      ObjectiveTo investigate the risk factors of hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy(HDCP) and the prognostic analysis on maternal and child.Methods148 cases of HDCP were collected.Among them the possible risk factors were analyzed with univariate logistic regression.Then multivariate logistic regression were further used to demonstrate the risk factors.The effects of HDCP on the perinatal children death,fetal distress,neonatal asphyxia and premature birth in the perinatal children were investigated.The severity of HDCP and different modes of delivery on maternal convulsions during the birth process were explored.ResultsThe result of univariate Logistic regression showed that age,body mass index,parity,abortion history,history of hypertension,history of mothers HDCP were the risk factors of HDCP.The result of multivariate logistic regression showed that age,body mass index,parity,history of hypertension,history of mothers HDCP were the independent risk factors of HDCP.In the perinatal death,fetal distress,neonatal asphyxia and premature birth,HDCP group was far higher than healthful maternal group,and had positive correlation with HDCP severity.Natural childbirth was more likely to cause maternal convulsions than cesarean section.Whether in natural childbirth or cesarean section,moderate and severe HDCP were more prone to cause maternal convulsions.ConclusionThere are several risk factors related with HDCP occurring,and HDCP produce a variety of adverse effects on maternal and children.
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