Value of B-Flow Technique Using in Venous Thrombosis of Lower Extremities
中文关键词:  B-Flow  彩色多普勒血流显像  下肢静脉血栓  下肢静脉血栓形成  疾病  诊断价值  Lower Extremities  Venous Thrombosis  Technique  诊断方法  影像学  检查  显示功能  全景  高分辨力  流信息  间断性  规则  表现  不完全性  信息显示  血管段  栓塞
英文关键词:B - Flow  CDFI  venous thrombosis of lower extremities
丁正东  周佳  唐焱  王颖  蒋迪  李媛
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      目的 探讨B-Flow技术在下肢静脉血栓形成疾病诊断中的准确性和优越性.方法 采用B-Flow显示模式对24例下肢静脉血栓形成疾病患者进行超声检查,并分别用B-Flow、2D-B、CDFI和PD等4种显示模式进行对比分析.结果 24例病例中,B-Flow显示在血管内见低回声或中等回声,充填或部分充填血管腔,并能清晰地显示血栓形态、大小、血栓与管壁的关系,无血流外溢伪像.完全性栓塞血管段内无B-Flow信息显示,不完全性栓塞血管段内B-Flow信息变窄或表现为细窄不规则间断性血流信息.结论 B-Flow技术具有高分辨力和全景显示功能,在2D-B、CDFI、PD检查基础上能提供更多和较准确的信息,对下肢静脉血栓形成疾病是一种新型有价值的影像学诊断方法.
      Objective To evaluate the accuracy and superiority of B - Flow technique using in venous thrombesis of lower extremities. Methods Ultrasonic inspection was performed on the 24 cases with venous thrombosis of lower extremities, and to comparatively analyse the imaging characteristics with B - Flow and other three display- ing modes of 2D- B, CDFI, PD. Results In the 24 cases, B - Flow displayed low level echo or medium echo blocked the lumen of the vessels or pardy, and clearly showed the shape and size of thrombus and relationships between the thrombus and the vessels wall without overflowing artifact. There were no signals of B - Flow in the vessels of complete venous thrombosis, and the signals of B - Flow became narrow or turned irregular and interrupted. Conclusion B- Flow has high definiting power and panoramic view of blood flow, and can provide more and accurate messages on the base of 2D - B, CDFI and PD. It is a new way and reliable means in diagnosis of venos thrombosis of lower extremities.
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