Diagnosis and Treatment of Gallstone Ileus
中文关键词:  胆结石  肠梗阻  诊治
英文关键词:gallstone,ileus,diagnosis and treatment
陈卫东  谭杰雄  余枭
[1]益阳市人民医院普外科,湖南益阳413001 [2]南华大学第一附属医院消化内科,湖南益阳413001 [3]中南大学湘雅三医院普外科,湖南益阳413001
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      Objectve To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of gallstone ileus.Methods The clinical and image data of 7 cases with gallstone ileus were analyzed retrospectively.Results Five cases of 7 were diagnosed properly before operation,The diagnosis rate was 70%,7 cases were successfully cured.Conclusion Seasonable abodomina X-ray,and ultrasonography and CT taken on patients play an important role in early diagnosis of gallstone ileus.The key of treatment was the early diagnosis.The release of intestinal obstruction must be carried out in the first stage,and the problems of the biliary fistula were treated depending on the situation of the patients.The effect on the procedure is very safe and feasible,namely it should be carried by two stages in some cases.
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