Perioperative Respiratory Control Over the Patients With Cervical Spinal Cord Injuries
中文关键词:  颈椎  脊髓损伤  围手术期  呼吸管理
英文关键词:cervical spinal,cords injuries,perioperative,respiratory control
曹奇  杨铁军  黄洪善  唐国军  朱怡
摘要点击次数: 741
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      Objective To investigate the respiratory control over the patients with cervical spinal cords injuries so as to improve clinicaloutcomes.Methods There are 66 cases in this group, 54 cases were operated through anterior approach,5 cases through posterior approach,7 cases through combined approach.Tracheotomies were done in 8 patients;trachea intubations were done in 6 patients;mechanical ventilation were done in 10 patients,11 cases were assoiated with respiratory tract infection.Results The respiratory function of 63 patients recovered and 3 cases died during the follow-up between 0.5 months and 6 months postoperatively. Conclusion The perioperative respiratory control over the patients with cervical spinal cord injuries plays pivotal role in the surgical outcomes of the cervical operations.In the perioperation,the depuratory technology on the bronchi and the functional exercise of respiratory muscle are the focal point of respiratory management over the patients with cervical spinal cords injuries.
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