Synthesis and Antitumor Effect of 5,7-Dihydroxyl-8-Nitrio Chrysin
中文关键词:  8-硝基白杨素  Lewis肺癌  治疗作用
英文关键词:5,7-dihydroxyl-8-nitro-chrysin,Lewis lung carcinoma,therapeutic effect
基金项目:湖南省自然科学基金资助项目 ,编号 ( 0 3JJX5 0 0 9)
徐阳炎  郑兴  朱炳阳  曹建国
南华大学药物药理研究所 湖南衡阳421001 (徐阳炎,郑兴,朱炳阳)
,南华大学药物药理研究所 湖南衡阳421001(曹建国)
摘要点击次数: 932
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      目的 探讨 8-硝基白杨素的抗肿瘤活性。方法 荷Lewis肺癌雄性小鼠 5 0只 ,随机分为5组 (NS对照组 ,环磷酰胺组 ,低、中、高剂量 8-硝基白杨素组 ) ,每组 1 0只 ,均采用腹腔注射给药。末次给药 2 4h后 ,颈椎脱位处死小鼠 ,观察各组瘤重减轻情况及转移结节数。结果 低、中、高剂量 8-硝基白杨素均能明显抑制肿瘤的生长和肿瘤转移结节的数 (阳性药对照组和各处理组与对照组相比 ,P均<0 .0 1 ) ,高剂量 ( 5 0mg kg) 8-硝基白杨素与 1 0 0mg kg的环磷酰胺的抗肿瘤作用相当 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论  8-硝基白杨素作为一种新黄酮衍生物 ,具有良好的抗肿瘤作用。
      objective To investigate the antitumor activity of 5,7-dihydroxyl-8-nitro chrysin. Methods 50 male mice c57BL/6N bearing Lewis lung carcinoma were randomly divided into 5 groups:(1) normality saline groups, (2)CTX group, (3) 5,7-dihydroxyl-8-nitro chrysin low dose group, (4) 5,7-dihydroxyl-8-nitro chrysin medium dose group, (5) 5,7-dihydroxyl-8-nitro chrysin high dose group. All mice were sacrificed at the end. Executed subcutaneous tumors were weighted to calculate the inhibitory rate of tumor weight. The metastatic nodus in lung were counted. Results The subcutaneous tumor inhibitory rates were 56.95%,74.89%, 80.49% with 5,7-dihydroxyl-8-nitro chrysin 12.5,25.0,50.0 mg/kg respectively.The tumor metastasis inhibition rates of Lewis lung carcinoma were 63.04%,78.26% with 5,7-dihydroxyl-8-nitro chrysin 12.5,25.0,50.0 mg/kg respectively. the data have significant difference when they were compared with control group. Conclusion 5,7-dihydroxyl-8-nitro chrysin as a new flavonoid deriuatiue possessed the potent antitumor activity.
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